Super 32 - An Overview

Super 32 is the IT event for high school wrestlers. Fargo is huge, but Super 32 is folkstyle (scholastic, etc.) and that is a big deal. As you can see from MatScouts Willie Saylor’s tweet below … 60% of the ranked kids in the country are registered. I’m going to do a breakdown of each weight and will be releasing it beginning this weekend on SEWrestle+ (I plan to release it later in the week on the regular blog), but below is an overview of the tournament to get a sense of the size and scope of the event (if you’ve never been there or watched it before). The event is covered by flo which will stream all 30+ mats as well as do commentary for the finals (Sunday afternoon).

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49 States

49 of the 50 states are represented in the high school boys side … Mississippi is the only state that will not have a wrestler in the competition. There are 1438 wrestlers registered and the breakdown by state is below …

  1. Pennsylvania (126)

  2. New Jersey (96)

  3. Ohio (85)

  4. Florida (84)

  5. North Carolina (81)

  6. Georgia (80)

  7. Virginia (75)

  8. California (62)

  9. Illinois (54)

  10. Iowa (41)

Other SE States:

  • South Carolina (39)

  • Tennessee (27)

  • Alabama (24)

34 States

34 states are represented on the high school girls side … there are 225 girls registered with the following breakdown by state …

  1. Pennsylvania (32)

  2. North Carolina (14)

  3. Georgia (12)

  4. Florida (12)

  5. California (12)

  6. Tennessee (10)

  7. South Carolina (10)

  8. New Jersey (9)

  9. Illinois (9)

** Way to go SE … love to see the numbers from the SE states.

Boys side - registered by Weight:

  • 106 - 100 with 35 State Placers including 12 State Champions

  • 113 - 119 with 82 State Placers including 36 State Champions

  • 120 - 143 with 100 State Placers including 43 State Champions

  • 126 - 161 with 104 State Placers including 48 State Champions

  • 132 - 147 with 109 State Placers including 37 State Champions

  • 138 - 144 with 96 State Placers including 27 State Champions

  • 145 - 134 with 97 State Placers including 30 State Champions

  • 152 - 116 with 79 State Placers including 32 State Champions

  • 160 - 107 with 80 State Placers including 32 State Champions

  • 170 - 89 with 64 State Placers including 17 State Champions

  • 182 - 71 with 46 State Placers including 18 State Champions

  • 195 - 44 with 20 State Placers including 13 State Champions

  • 220 - 39 with 19 State Placers including 7 State Champions

  • 285 - 24 with 14 State Placers including 5 State Champions

Girls side - registered by Weight:

  • 97 - 15 with 3 previous Super 32 Placers including Alex Szkotnicki (MD) Super 32 Champ and Fargo Champ Valarie Solorio (PA/FL)

  • 103 - 23 with 3 previous Super 32 Placers

  • 108 - 23 with 6 previous Super 32 Placers including Super 32 Champ Sterling Dias (NV) and Fargo Champ Cecilia Williams (MI)

  • 115 - 30 with 3 previous Super 32 Placers including Super 32 Champ Jacyln Dehney (NH)

  • 123 - 25 with 5 previous Super 32 Placers including Super 32 Champ Katie Gomez (CA) and Fargo Champ Alexis Janiak (IL)

  • 130 - 22 with Super 32 Champ Savannah Cosme (CO) and Fargo Champs Skylar Little Soldier (MN) and Cassia Zammit (OH)

  • 139 - 17 with 3 previous Super 32 Placers and 6 Fargo Placers

  • 148 - 17 with with Super 32 and Fargo Champ Reese Larramendy (PA) as well as Fargo Champ Nebi Tsarni (MD)

  • 160 - 8 with with 2 previous Super 32 Qualifiers

  • 172 - 5 with with 3 previous Super 32 Qualifiers and 2 Fargo Placers

  • 195 - 6 with with 3 previous Super 32 Qualifiers

It is going to be a tough weekend as they scrap for the belt.

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