14U Duals Seeds and Brackets

Top 8 Seeds:

  1. Wisconsin

  2. Washington

  3. Ohio Red

  4. Michigan Blue

  5. Indiana

  6. Iowa

  7. Pennsylvania Blue

  8. Minnesota Blue

Only team with ties to the SE is Louisiana who gets New York Gold in the opening round.

Florida gets a tough draw - the sunshine state gets the #2 overall seed Washington in the opening round.

Matches to watch in the Florida vs. Washington dual:

  • 83 - Greyson McDonald vs. Karver Peasley

  • 110 - Russ Haas vs. Ryder Owen

Arkansas will take on Kansas in the opening round as well.

Tennessee will take on the #3 overall seed Ohio Red first thing in the morning.

North Carolina pulls the overall #4 seed Michigan Blue in the morning.

Georgia sits in the best spot … will wrestle Pennsylvania Red in the opening round. A win and they will likely take on #5 overall seed Indiana in the semis.

Matches to watch in the Georgia vs. Pennsylvania Red dual:

  • 87 - Beau Abbott vs. Riley Crandall

  • 97 - Issac Jung vs. Nathan Fenner

  • 125 - Walker Woodard vs. Mason McDonald

Jason Fulmore