16U Duals Seeds and Brackets

Top 8 Seeds:

  1. Iowa

  2. Utah Gold

  3. Minnesota Blue

  4. Illinois

  5. Texas Gold

  6. California

  7. Colorado

  8. Washington

Terrible draw for South Carolina as they get the overall #1 seed Iowa in the opening round of Pool A.

Matches to watch in the Iowa vs. South Carolina dual:

  • 113 Montero Royal vs. Alexander Pierce

  • 190 Jesse Howard vs. Andy Franke

North Carolina will wrestle Kansas in the opening round of Pool A.

Matches to watch in the North Carolina vs. Kansas dual:

  • 144 Aaron Ellison vs. Thunder Page

  • 165 Jeshurun Mills vs. Luke Kerns

Tough pull for the Florida 16U’s as they get #7 overall seed Colorado first thing in the morning in Pool B.

3 Matches to watch in Florida vs. Colorado

  • 100 RJ Phelan vs. Tristan Pino

  • 113 Jovanni Tovar vs. Cooper Mathews

  • 126 Reid Yakes vs. Deven Lopez

Louisiana will wrestle Missouri in the opening round of Pool B.

Georgia will take on Montana in the opening round of Pool C. A win and they will get the winner of #6 seed California and New Jersey.

3 Matches to watch in Georgia vs. Montana

  • 94 - Cody Clarke vs. Remington Grunhuvd

  • 113 - Tanner Hunt vs. Kellen Downing

  • 120 - Chris Phillips vs. Christopher Grossman

Arkansas will wrestle Idaho to open action in Pool D.

Jason Fulmore