State of the Program ... Gaffney (SC)


Gaffney (SC)

Gaffney return after a tough season with a solid group that will look to make an impact in 2021-22. The Indians will turn to Seniors Jeremiah Hannon and Robert Myers to lead the way in 2021-22. Jacob Norwood, Donta Bond, and Riley McSwain also return and will look to push the Indians in 2022. Keep an eye on freshmen Cason Wiggins, Aaron Wilburn, Mike Mabry, and Claira Hannon as they look to make an impact.

We have a good young group coming in that will have an immediate impact with a mixture of talented Upper Classmen. We have high expectations to compete for a region title and reach the podium at the state level. The Indians trained hard all summer and look to break out this season.
— Coach Grellman

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