State of the Program ... Lambert (GA)


By this time - many of you have seen that we are doing highlights of different teams across the SE as we gear up to drop the team previews in 6 weeks. I was releasing one team a day, but with now over 170 teams having sent in information - I’ll try to ramp it up a bit so we can get as many in as possible before the first part of October. I can’t guarantee I’ll get to everyone, but I will try to get to as many as possible.

Please re-visit when the actual previews get dropped in October because what I am sharing below are just a few of the names the coaches have given me. Much more will be shared - plus SEWrestle’s “What to Expect” - in the team previews. Lastly, if you want to know whether we have your form … you can find the list of everyone that has submitted a form in the blog archive.

Lambert (GA)

State Runners-up Dylan Lobdell and Thomas Dossett as well as State Placer Mason McClung return and will lead Coach Contardi’s squad into the 2021-2022 season. The Longhorns lose State Placers Lucas Teillon (graduation) and Jacob Zearfoss (move) as well as State Qualifier Robert Riddle, but return a good lineup that will look to match their top 5 finish from a year ago.

Look for Ethan Kidd to make an impact and climb onto the podium and for Elijah Castillo and Drew Wentworth to be big players in Lambert being back in the hunt again in 2022.

We look to have a solid squad this year. The two biggest keys will be replacing some good leadership that we graduated and separating our best guys.
— Coach Contardi

WE NEED YOUR HELP … We are in the process of collecting as much information as possible and would love for coaches to reach out and share their information. If you are a coach and would like to provide that information please click the “Team Preview” button below to be sent to a survey.